Friday 11 March 2016

Louis Theroux - Hunting Documentary

To make myself more aware of the general practice of hunting, I found a Louis Theroux documentary on Netflix. It showed the reality of how people hunt animals in Africa and the system of legality - mostly to do with wealth. The hunters seemed to get a burst of adrenaline when they shoot the animals, this is why they do it, it is a way of life for them. I found the trophy photographs the most disturbing - almost a celebration of the killing of an animal. Also, I found it a bit odd that most of the animals were bred purely just for the practice of hunting, so these animals were not afraid of humans. For me this takes away the whole point anyway, its almost like shooting animals in a zoo and seems a brutal.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Newspapers - Research

'In the UK the three most popular daily papers are tabloids: the Sun with a circulation of 2,955,957, the Daily Mail with 2,096,074 and the Daily Mirror with 1,239,691, respectively. In comparison, the most popular UK quality newspapers, the Daily Telegraph and the Times, only boast circulations of 683,220 and 506,997. As Britain is usually considered exemplary concerning quality journalism due in part to the high reporting standards of the BBC, it’s interesting that tabloids shine this much brighter in the British media landscape.'

'As broadcasting companies provide reliable high quality news, tabloids are not required to do so and instead cover sports, scandals and humor, in addition to scrappy entertainment. The Daily Mirror carries more serious political news than the Sun but both papers focus on celebrity and human interest topics.'

Making Posters - Photocopier

I decided to photocopy some of my drawings in order to rearrange them with text into some test poster designs. I enjoyed this process as I was able to combine different areas of my research through collage. As I progress with the project I want to continue to play around with shape and form of my drawings in combination with text, to give them more of a context to an audience.

Poster Type

Looking at more campaigns against fox hunting in particular, I made a note of some of the more memorable typology I found. This may be useful for me to create some of my own poster designs. I particularly liked the use of puns in some of them, especially 'for fox sake, don't ban hunting'. Both sides of the conflict use clever titles in their campaign imagery.