Thursday 25 February 2016

Visual Journal Proposal

For the Visual aspect of my research into print media and its effects on society, I am going to explore social hierarchy and the stereotypes of different classes within a community. I found this part of my initial research most interesting and I would like to explore more visually into the way we perceive people through how they dress and present themselves to the world. One of the topics I would like to focus on is Political protests and how class can identify the decision making behind them. I would also like to look into the way people view the homeless, and how they are overlooked by the majority of our society. 
My intentions to achieve this are to research types of protests (specifically students), interview relevant people, alongside the stereotypes people paint towards upper and lower classes.
As my project question is based around print media, my intention is to create some of my own protest prints which depict the themes I have chosen to base my research on.

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